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Hometown Wanderlust: Dublin History Museum

By April 23, 2016October 12th, 2017No Comments

Hometown Wanderlust is a brand new, adventurous, weekly blog featuring one girl’s experiences with food, music, shopping, biking and life in general around Dublin GA. This week, Dublin GA’s favorite redhead discovers the Dublin History Museum.


It’s been a pretty dreary week. Have had some weather, been under the weather… one of those weeks. Restful but dreary. The sun sprang out occasionally, with a vengeance only to be stifled by lazy rain clouds, of the April shower variety. I’ve got an idea, something to break the monotony.


It’s absolutely pouring the exact hour that it is time for me to pick up mini-me from school. Oh well, what is an adventure without a twist? And what is an adventure without a little mystery? She quizzes me about where we’re heading…all the usual questions from a child. Where? What? Who? How long? Food?

I drive carefully, avoiding the largest puddles that are quickly accumulating along the roadway into the historic district. April showers for sure. It’s a straight shot. We note the rain has washed away the golden dusting that has covered our little world lately revealing the vibrant colors of spring. Majestic, swaying greens, simple pure white canopies, party-ready pinks, refreshing yellows…even with the rays of the sun hidden, the entire landscape is alive. Houses line Bellevue, once nicknamed “Millionaire Row” every one of them spectacular and reminiscent of romantic era’s past. I’m looking for one in particular.


Now housing the Dublin Museum, Heritage, & Cultural Center, 702 Bellevue a Victorian style home sits elegantly on the corner, it’s wrap-around porches inviting to come a sit a spell or on this particular day, take refuge from the downpour. We dash from the drive-way, avoiding raindrops with our giant umbrella, though ultimately the puddles finally win.

Once inside we sign in and are greeted by our host, Mr. Taylor, a museum volunteer eager to begin our tour. There’s rows of books in small cases on the walls in the entranceway written by local authors or that contain reference to local areas. Very interesting for sure. One day I’ll indulge my interest…


The genealogy room is our first stop. Stacked with oversized books and stuffed files containing family histories dating back to around 1781 it is almost impossible to comprehend the history contained in this one small room. We don’t have family from this area but are still completely fascinated with the extent of research that has been put into tracing history back through family trees, winding through the years.

It’s incredible watching the fascination in the little one’s eyes as we meander through the rooms taking in corners full of curios and the stories of beautiful ladies, sports stars, a grand movie house, brave soldiers and lively musicians. With any good story, there’s a bit of heartache sprinkled in, mystery even and before I realize it we’ve spent our afternoon.

Leaving the museum we head downtown for a snack to round out our adventure. I’m surprised the questions that have arisen and the answers I have had to search for. A communication.  A few moments in time springing from past moments. Life’s stories passed down passed down. I wonder, what and where will our stories be. Who will tell them and who will listen.

For more information on the Dublin History Museum visit